Guardians 2022 Conference Program

The BHAVI 2022 October Symposium with title Guardians 2022 Conference will be held as a virtual meeting Sunday 9 October at 10:00 - 14:00 PDT (California time). Guardians 2022 will be held as an online event, open to the public, in our series of annual Guardians of Truth and Integrity Conferences. There will be no registration fees charged for attendance at this half-day symposium held via Zoom videoconference at with Zoom Meeting ID: 893 7697 9374. Our Guardians 2022 Workshop entitled Who are the Guardians of Truth and Integrity? will be held as an online event for the ASIST 2022 Annual Meeting series of virtual AM22 Workshops. Attendees may register for this free event, and should provide their full name when connecting to the videoconference. For questions, please contact

2022 Guardian

At our Guardians 2022 Workshop, we honor Peter Wilmshurst as our 2022 Guardian of Truth and Integrity.

Invited Speakers

The October 9 online workshop will ask the question Who are the Guardians of Truth and Integrity? and discuss the current Information Wars with the spread of polarized and extremified propaganda and lies, and the now prevalent political use of mis-information, dis-information, anti-information, caco-information, and mal-information. All times listed below in the program schedule are PDT (California time).

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Background References